Melissourgion of Argyri Family

Melissourgion of Argyri Family

Our Company

The "Melissourgion of Argyri Family” is a small, modern apicultural unit based in Konistres, Evia.
Our production is based solely on the natural crops of Greek nature (fir, thyme, pine, and heather), ecological beekeeping practices and non-medicine use.
The Melissourgion products are pure, unprocessed, raw honey varieties (fir honey, thyme honey, pine tree honey and heather honey), natural pollen and royal jelly, based on the the season of collection and production.
Our love and respect in the amazing bee society allows us to guarantee to the final recipient of our apicultural products, our clients, nothing but the best.
Our main concern is to offer you excellent quality and taste straight from the hive, exactly as bees offer it, 100% natural!
